What is California’s Proposition 65?
California’s Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, now universally known as Proposition 65, is a law that applies only in the State of California. Proposition 65 mandates the publication of a list of chemicals that the State of California determines causes cancer or birth defects, and requires companies that sell products that contain those chemicals to inform California residents about the risk of exposure to such chemicals by including a warning notice on the product label.
Since 1986, the two Proposition 65 lists have expanded to include more than 800 chemicals. Even if a chemical has not been shown to cause cancer or birth defects in humans, but has been shown to do so in animal testing, the chemical is still required to be placed on the applicable Proposition 65 list.
Proposition 65 warnings are found throughout California, such as restaurants, grocery stores, hotels, bars, schools, hospitals, and theme parks.
What Chemicals Are on the Proposition 65 Lists?
The two Proposition 65 lists encompass a wide range of naturally-occurring and man-made chemicals. Listed chemicals not only include ingredients found in pesticides, insecticides, and construction materials, but also ingredients contained in common household products like foods, drugs, alcoholic beverages, and nutritional supplements.
Some chemicals on the Proposition 65 list – such as lead, cadmium, and arsenic – are found naturally in the environment all over the world. Therefore, some products that naturally contain these substances can be required to carry a Proposition 65 warning notice on their product label, such as mineral and botanical ingredients contained in nutritional supplements.
Are Products with a Proposition 65 Warning Notice Unsafe?
When a manufacturer includes a Proposition 65 warning notice on a product, it does not mean the product is unsafe. Rather, the warning notice is intended to inform California consumers of the presence of a Proposition 65-listed chemical so the consumer can make an informed decision when purchasing the product.
What is Momentous doing regarding Proposition 65?
Momentous methodically tests every raw ingredient and every finished good for identity and purity. All Momentous products are third party tested to the highest standards. We third party certify our products through NSF. Here is what the NSF logo means for you:
Annual audits of our manufacturing facility
Toxicological review of ingredients and verification that the product meets the claims and contents shown on the label.
Testing for harmful levels of contaminants, such as heavy metals, pesticides, mold, and more.